Geminids Meteor Shower🌠

It's freezing out there, covering my two blankets on my entire body without leaving any gaps, especially near my toes 🥶. It's already 1:45, I'm done with my work and I am super sleepy, just wanna be in bed and sleep like Naruto💤. 

Instagram time, scrolling reels for five minutes. Ahhhh..😴 I guess it's my last reel for tonight, watching through half-eye.

Dopamine ting-tong in that last reel: It was about "Geminids Meteor Shower".

Geminids Meteor Shower: This meteor shower gets its name from the Gemini constellation. where the asteroid debris travels 30 times faster than the speed of a bullet and this cosmic event will happen between the Orion(3-star-line) and Gemini constellations.

The time is 1:50 am, reel was about this rare event that will be happening in 10 minutes through the dark canvas. Immediately I searched the internet about this phenomenon. I got the details, 5 minutes left and it's freaking cold outside. I covered my whole body with clothes and stepped out of my room. BUT.....

The main question is, the sky should be clear otherwise I can't see it. I wished inside like sky should be clear please please please and Finally, the sky is clear with amazing moonlight and stars. Woohoo!

I took the cycle and I went to my spot which is the Agricultural fields. Yo!


Believe me, it was scary at night in agricultural fields. No one is there. I was scared like I am near death, even a single noise from bushes is enough to give you the fear of death. BUT...

I looked up to the sky and gazed at Stars, fallen ancestors, and the moon. my inner peace is like wahh...this is it man this is it.🌠

I'm not scared anymore ✨ 

It was so cold that my fingers went numb and I am alone on that dark long road at 10°C cold, I could see the meteors streaking across the dark canvas, leaving behind shimmering trails of light.  While I was watching them I was shouting and screaming like a child on a cold night on that road, my shadow is dancing with me too, booothh....👻

I felt like a 5-year-old self, sleeping beside my grandma, under the village sky counting the shooting stars and stars, remembering the stories which my grandma used to tell about the universe to get me to sleep💤.

It was a reminder, sometimes you need to do crazy shit to enjoy little things and experience something truly special. Such as, going alone in that dark to see the light that will fulfill your dreams✨ ~Geminids Meteor Shower.

And that was all about last night, Good Night Keep Dreaming💤.

Thanks to my brudha Rokibul Islam for giving me company at that time on a phone call 😂.


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