Joe Rogan Experience #1309 - Naval Ravikanth (PODCAST NOTES📝)

A glimpse of podcast🎙️🎧

This is a 2hr Podcast of Joe Rogan. Naval Ravikanth covers and shares his opinions on life, happiness, capitalism, and wealth creation. these points are my notes and I suggest you watch the podcast again after going through the blog.

Here are my takeaways from this podcast 👉

  1. Read to understand not to complete the book.
  2. Retirement is when you stop sacrificing today for some imaginary tomorrow.
  3. Would I still be interested in learning this thing if I couldn't ever tell anybody about it? That's how you will know whether it is a real thing or not
  4. Start looking at the bright side until it becomes second nature of yours.
  5. Be a fool to start over again.
There are many to learn from this podcast but these are my top 5 takeaways.

A balanced way to live life✌🏻:

  • In many cases, people find success in one thing in their field and they are gonna stick with it thinking that it is their niche and they are scared to start over.
  • Build the ability to start over and have a beginner mindset like artists and creators.
  • Learn many hobbies. you have got one life just do everything you are gonna do.


  • Read to understand and absorb the things from books not to complete and show off.
  • Read to "satisfy genuine intellectual curiosity" and it could be anything (fiction, sci-fi, etc...)
  • Don't hesitate to change the book when you get bored of that book.
  • Try to research and reflect on things.

How social media is affecting human behavior🤳:

  • You are seeing unreal life.
  • "social media is making celebrities of all of us and celebrities are the most miserable in the world" not all😂.
  • "Rather than looking at yourself, you are looking at how other people look at you."

Wealth creation💲:

  • "Three things everybody wants: wealth, happiness, and fit."
  • You can't get rich by renting out your time.
  • You need to have equity, and ownership and be a shareholder or an investor to get rich.
  • You don't wanna be that guy who succeeds in life while being high-stress and unhappy.
  • You wanna be the guy who gets there calmly.
  • Humans are not meant to work from 9-5.


  • Happiness can be taught, teach yourself to be happy by just adopting the mindset of a happy person.
  • Social contracts are powerful.
  • "Happiness is a choice (earning money is a choice being fit is a choice)" likewise happiness is also a choice
  • "Desire to me is a contract that you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want."
  • It's okay to have a desire but don't pick randomly and unconsciously "pick your one overwhelming desire and work on it." -pick your battles.
  • Let the other desires go so you can be calm, peaceful, and relaxed.

Performing a better job🤯:

  • "It's not that you don't have a clear mind it's you are busy in your mind all the time".Don't think too much 
  • Perform like a high-performance athlete. Just do.
  • we live in infinite leverage so the importance of decision-making is much higher than it used to be. You need to have a clear and calm mind to make better decisions.

Working for ourselvesℹ️:

  • "Information age is gonna reverse industrial age"
  • The information age is making it easy to do transactions externally -gigs like freelancing.
  • "Startups are shaving off little pieces of business from large businesses and turning them into a huge market".
  • The information revolution is making it easier to connect and communicate allowing us to go back and work for ourselves.

Automation and Universal Basic Income🤖:

  • Automation is happening since the dawn of time like when electricity came along that put a lot of people to a lot of work like they were carrying buckets of water.
  • "Automation frees people up for new creative work".
  • New jobs will be created. The question is how quickly is automation going to happen? What kind of jobs will be eliminated and created?
  • It's impossible to predict what kind of jobs will be created like podcasts and playing video games is a job ten years ago.
  • "Creativity is the last frontier"
  • "The good news is automation will do all non-creative work and what remains for humans is only creative work which is really what every human wants".

    Problems in UBI:

  • Giving money to people for free.
  • This system of giving money for free will bankrupt the country -since the guy doesn't stop with 15k$ /year He/She might want more in the future.
  • Forcing entrepreneurs out - No opportunities.

    Solutions that might work for UBI issues:

  • Providing education, myth- adults can't be re-educated.
  • Instead of UBI what if we had a retraining program for re-educating ourselves then it would be good for everyone since everyone grows.
  • "Establishing the basic substance services that you have to have and we provide those in abundance through technology-based automation like basic housing, basic food, basic transportation, and providing internet access".


  • Monopoly is a problem in capitalism.
  • "The correct criticism of capitalism is when it does not provide an equal opportunity".But people confuse that with an equal outcome.
  • "Socialism comes from the heart, capitalism comes from the brain".
  • "The larger the group who have different interests the less trust and the more cheating there is so the better the system has to work the more you go towards capitalism".

Modern-day struggles👀:   

  • Ability to broadcast everything with very little understanding.
  • Social media is addictive. The best minds in the world are working together to addict you to these things and news stuff.
  • "You are alone - if you fall for it then you are done!"
  • No one is there near you to help you in this modern era like in olden times. Earlier there were religions and cultural stuff. Now everyone got more freedom and does not believe this stuff, you are alone.
  • "So modern struggle as an individual is learning to resist these things in the first place. There is no one to help you".

    Decentralized system🌎:

  • "News has become commoditized. The entire news media system shifted into peddling opinions and entertainment unlike olden days".
  • "There is no such thing anymore as a neutral media commentator".
  • The Internet plays a huge role in those two things. The internet has one huge hub for everything and it removes medium-sized individuals from millions.
  • And gigantic things like media will be the outlets in the long term.
  • "The most powerful people in the world today are the people who write algorithms for social media platforms since they are controlling the spread of information".
  • So the world needs a decentralized platform.
  • The way to survive in modern society is to retreat from society - too much information everyone is programming everybody.


  • Meditation - The art of doing nothing.
  • "All men's problems arise because they cannot sit in a room for 30 minutes alone" `~Pascal.
  • superpower is to be alone and learn how to enjoy it.
  • Listen to yourself 
  • "The brain is an inbox of messages stored for years and you need meditation to read and filter them. Just listen to them no need to get to rid of thoughts eventually you will read everything and there will be nothing to think about".
  • "Many people think to get peace is by resolving external problems but the only way to get peace is to give up this idea of problems.
  • It is easier to change yourself than to change the world.

Understanding things better🧠:

  • The biggest mistake is memorization, understanding the reasoning of basics is way better than memorizing advanced concepts. memorization is an indication that you are not really understanding things.
  • read 1 page and then research and reflect on it 
  • everyone wants to sound smart &It's okay -since it's a disease in young days for everyone.
  • If you understand things properly then you naturally grow peace from mind- not peace of mind.


  • There is no real answer for "what is the meaning of life". If there is one then it will be a mess because everybody wants that one.
  • Everyone should try for their own answers.
  • "The real answer is why and there is no end for this answer it's an endless loop".
  • "You have to do hard things to create your meaning in life".

Since you've come this far here is more information for you 💡:

  • Don't be a victim mentality. Don't complain.
  • life is a really single-player game it all goes on in your head.
  • Reality is neutral. Don't judge things try practicing not to judge everything until it becomes the second nature of yours.
  • "Everyman has two lives and the second starts when you realize you have only one".
  • A happy person wants 1000 things and a sick person want only one thing.
  • It's your unlimited desires that are clouding your peace.
  • You can work through negative judgments and try to look at the bright side until it becomes second nature of yours.
If you get everything you want just right now without any struggle. Will you be happy and enjoy it?

Disclaimer: The notes are from podcast that I have listened to and genuinely feel are of value that I can share with others. if you are not okay with it, just let me know I will remove it☺️.


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